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IKEA construction continues as grand opening draws closer

Posted 7:22 PM, Mar 28, 2017
and last updated 4:25 AM, Mar 29, 2017

FISHERS, Ind. -- Construction crews are still hard at work on the IKEA in Fishers. The trademark blue walls are already up, and the bright yellow lettering went up on Tuesday.

You’ve likely been monitoring the progress if you travel I-69 through Fishers - and the building appears to be on course for it's opening this fall. 

The 296,000 square-foot building is on the eastern side of I-69, just south of 116th Street exit. 

A grand opening date has not yet been set for the Fishers location, but if the visible progress is any indication we aren’t far from hearing when that date might be.

READ | Fishers IKEA grand opening draws closer, will we get free furniture too?

IKEA is a company that sells furniture – like beds, chairs and desks – appliances and accessories. They’re known for their cheaper-than-average prices, due to having to put the products together yourself.

The company currently has over 40 stores in the United States.

ALSO | Six things we LOVE about IKEA

The Fishers IKEA will bring 250 new jobs to the area. Some of those positions will be part-time but will still offer benefits, according to an IKEA representative. The store is expected to begin accepting applications sometime this spring. 

RELATED | Fishers IKEA on schedule to open in Fall 2017 | The (mostly) positive reactions to Indianapolis' new IKEA store